Re: bromoil home made paper

Per Volledal (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 15:51:07 +0100

>Per wrote:
>>I have also got hold of the Croatian EMAKS non-supercoated bromoil-paper
>>("Brom=F6eldruck papier) from the factory of Fotokemika in Zagreb.
>Do you have any idea about the situation according this paper today?
>Any suppliers or address?
>It is the first time I hear from this company.
>Anyway , thanks a lot for your info.
>greetings henk
>The netherlands

The Fotokemika company has got an adress in 41000 Zagreb, Hondlova 2,
Croatia, and - as far as I know - are still making photographic films and
paper.I have used their ordinary B&W papers for more than 10 years.

I got hold of the bromoil paper this summer, from the norwegian importer

Innherredsveien 61
N-7002 Trondheim
phone (+47) 73 50 95 10, fax (+47) 73 50 94 10

The swedish importer has also got this paper in the ordinary price list in
24x30 and 30x40 cm sizes:

p.o. box 76
S-38221 Nybro
phone (+46) 481 14620, fax (+46) 481 18504

I have used the Kentmere papers for some months, and they work well. They
should be readily available. Most inks do not work, however. A friend of
mine has made bromoils with brown shoe - polish instead of oil - based ink.

Per Volledal
Stenfeltbakken 47
N-1405 Langhus