Re: UV light sources (miscellaneous catchup)

John Sparks (
Thu, 07 Dec 95 09:41:52 -0700

>Regarding Keith Schreiber's message of a few days back about using
>ordinary cool white fluorescent tubes for nonsilver processes, I think
>Phil Davis was probably pulling your leg, as Judy has clearly
>demonstrated. However, to give him the benefit of the doubt it's possible
>that he's got a defective tube or two, or perhaps an ancient variety
>without the standard modern coating.

Phil Davis described his light source on Compuserve (he seemed quite serious
and I seriously doubt he was pulling anyones leg). He said his light
bank consisted of 17 18" Cool White tubes spaced as closely as possible.
I imagine they are also quite close to his negative. He claimed exposure
times with hand coated Platinum/Palladium at about 10 minutes. 17 tubes
is a lot of tubes and 10 minutes is longer time than I get from my 7 18"
32W BL tubes (I average closer to 3 minutes and my tubes are about 5" from
my negative).

John Sparks