First, thanks a lot for the help with the Nuarc stuff. I'm going to work on
finding something like a N750 or N1000 and I'll keep you posted on it.
Second, I've finally acquired all the necessary materials to start doing
some Pt/Pd work. Kallitypes are great, and beautiful, but can get awfully
tedious with the yellow-stain, grain business. Hopefully I will find Pt/Pd a
little more forgiving. At least thats the going word...
Anyway I have a couple of questions.
1) Can I use a Jobo rotary processor for the work? It would be really nice
to dispense with the trays, etc and keep my temperature well adjusted.
Anybody out there work in this fashion or at least tried it? How much fluid
do you use per "square inch" or per 8x10? The only problem I could see arise
from it is that the paper would not be "quickly immersed" in the developer..
it would take a second or so longer than normal. Also, how critical is
cleanliness? My jobo is definatley clean but it has had its good share of
cibachrome work, could residue from this process affect the prints?
2) Should the clearing baths be the same temp as the developer? It would be
much easier to not keep them the same (since I am using the sodium
dichromate contrast method - I can't keep them in the Jobo).
Thanks again,
Also, is anyone would like to contribute (Mike Ware? Your a prolific
writer!) to the Non-silver page.. let me know, I'd love to get working on it
again. Also, let me know of any relevant links which should be included.