Re: Ambrotypes and Wet Collodion Negativs
Sat, 9 Dec 1995 11:43:53 -0500 (EST)

Without a doubt in my mind, I would strongly recommend against
the use of Potassium Cyanide for any use at all outside of
carefully conrtrolled (and well ventilated!) laboratory conditions.

In its place, with fixation proceeding almost as fast, I would
suggest either Ammonium or Potassium Thiocyanate. Both of these
will fix in a matter of a few seconds in high temperatures, when
used with gelatin negatives, and have been so used in special
high-speed film processors. They are not used with gelatin normally
because they both greatly soften gelatin, something that should not
matter with collodion.

Most important, though is the safety issue. Is YOUR life insurance
adequate? No, I'm NOT joking.

Ed Lukacs


_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ | Edward M. Lukacs _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ | _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | 11286 Southwest 169 Street _/ _/ _/ _/ | Miami, Florida 33157 USA _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | Telephone: (95) 305-235-9098