> Not only does the speed of light in a medium (like glass, plastic etc)
> vary with wavelength, but the amount of light absorbed by various
> materials varies with wvaelength as well. However, I vote for the vacuum
> easel as making the real difference.
Oh phooey...Guess to be really *scientific* about this I'll have to
somehow mount the fluorescents on the Nuarc, because the glass cover of
the Nuarc vacuum frame is probably different color/composition from the
plate glass I'm using with the fluorescent bulbs..
Which is to say, you may be right about the difference being due to the
vacuum rather than the light source -- like maybe less air getting its
wavelengths in front of the emulsion? But I haven't a clue why that would
affect *pigment concentration*. Do you? Could emulsion absorb light one way
in highlights, so they could be the same with different conditions,
another way in rest of negative so one system would retain more
pigment in those densities than the other?
Anyway, I doubt 1000 points of light line was actually Bush, more like
Peggy Noonan, his weaselly let-them-eat-budget-deficits speech writer....