Fluorescent/UV illumination

13 Dec 1995 17:28:36 -0400 (EDT)

I have been following the *thread* on UVand fluorescent lights with
interest and although not presently involved with non-silver
processes, I was in the distant past, and hope to start up that activity
again in the near future.
I have Duro-test *Vitalight* tubes in my work area due to the fact
that I am one of these people who has a tendency to become
extremely *squirrely* in areas illuminated by *normal*
(read cheaper) fluorescent lighting. The Vitalight tubes not only
have a higher blue and UV output than *normal tubes* but do have
the added benefit of a better light quality for my bonsai plants as well
as contributing to my own sanity.

(While these tubes have a slightly lower visible output, the
manufacturer does recommend that the UV absorbing diffusing
screens not be removed from the fixtures)

Has anyone tried these tubes as a light source for exposure for non-
silver contact printing?

Ken Sinclair.