Dear Luis, how come you left out brilliant, beautiful and brave?......
But truth to tell, this is NOT what it seems, that is, my contribution to
the Alt Photo Review was not exactly an "article," and I didn't know it
would be published (editorial arrangements in that quarter being, let us
say, informal) until I read about it on this list yesterday.
What's more, I haven't seen the issue yet, as it hasn't arrived here, so I
don't know what they did with what I confess I sent as camera-ready copy
in order to have all typos be my own, as well as, given the delicate
nature of the message (contradicting an English gentleman) to avoid being
quoted out of context. However, as I have been informed privately, they
did manage to spell my name wrong -- which puts them in a large company.
Notice that I have *refrained* from titling this message "Don't Jump To
Conclusions." But here's what happened: I was distressed by an article in
issue #3 that I felt misrepresented gum printing (and please out there,
understand that this is a most informal, cottage industry, desktop
publication, probably subsidized by the editor, so don't expect "samples"
of back issues).
Since another part of my nature Luis neglected to mention is a love of
truth, I took the trouble to generously correct a series of shibboleths
and misconceptions about the nature of gum, gloy and gelatine in said
article. I gather that this effort was indeed printed. (I plan to do the
same for some different shibboleths in Phil Davis's article on gum
printing in Jan/Feb Photo Techniques, Luis. OK?)
Yours for truth in non-silver (projected name for series I haven't yet
PS. Let me remind any who have forgotten, which may be everyone, that
I posted a notice about APR, address, subscription info, even suggestions
about foreign money orders, months ago, when I got my first issue. There
seemed little reaction at the time.
PPS. Luis, I'm trying to imagine those adjectives -- "shy," "timid,"
"modest," "inhibited", "coy" -- applied to one who signed off as "Judson"!
Aren't you PC up there yet?