U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Podcast, anyone...?

RE: Podcast, anyone...?

> I think the biggest impediment to creating video Podcasts is maintaining
> good production quality.

I don't really think that's an issue.  While production quality does help,
I don't think the intended audience (mainly list members) will really
care.  My goal would be to make the podcast more information-based than

> Some of the PhotoShop videos I've seen, such as Dan's Tiny Tutorials have
> been very good, but others are a little shakey.

As long as there's good information in there, I think the video will be
just fine.

> For my money a good Podcast covering printing gum with curves would be a
> great place to start!

Don, you brought up a point I may have forgotten to mention in my original
post.  Do we want to make it free or charge for it?  I'd prefer to keep it
free, but if there are some that would like to charge for it I'm open to
discussion (not really sure how money distribution would work though).

Audio podcasts are possible too, so those without video capabilities can
also contribute.

We really don't need a lot of content to start off.  I just need something
to put up there.  More content can be added later as it becomes available.

So, is anyone interested in providing the first tutorial?

Perhaps a more important question...do list members even care enough about
this for me to bother?

Camden Hardy
