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RE: Ware/Malde-Ziatype-DOP palladium,was RE: "New" Paper for Pt/Pd (and other iron processes, too)

I wasn't making it up!  From Dick Sullivan's article, The Ziatype Compared
to the Ware-Malde Process found at

"The lithium salt, unlike the rest tended to produce an almost blue black
image throughout a wide humidity range. Originally I was not particularly
looking for a POP process, but the apparent hygroscopicity of this
material pointed me in that direction.

My thoughts on this were that if I could find a corresponding "brown"
producing component that could be mixed with the lithium palladium salt,
we might have a system for POP printing that was largely independent of

Am I completely reading this wrong, or does this say that ziatype isn't as
humidity-dependent as other palladium processes?

Camden Hardy
