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Re: Eastman House gum prints

Chris wrote:

> Etienne,
> What were you researching at GEH personally?

Primarily sensitometry, color actinometry, silver-gelatin,
silver-collodion, and silver-albumen "emulsions," carbon-transfer, and the
various dye-imbibation processes used for printing negatives from
"one-shot" color cameras.  I also spent some time researching the Hill
"color Daguerrotype" process (later revealed to have been a fraud, produced
by hand coloring).

Actually, most of my time at GEH was spent just admiring the works of dead

Best regards,


  • Follow-Ups:
    • Hill
      • From: Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com>
    • Colored Dags?
      • From: Bill William <iodideshi@yahoo.co.jp>