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On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, etienne garbaux wrote:

...I also spent some time researching the Hill
"color Daguerrotype" process (later revealed to have been a fraud, produced
by hand coloring).
You speak of Levi Hill? (The name that comes to mind.) More years ago than I can recall I picked up a book at Harvey Zucker's A Photographer's Place with a title something like "Levi Hill Was Right." A group of contemporary photographers DID replicate his effects and even explained why others hadn't been able to and like that. Having no intention myself of EVER doing anything in daguerreotype, and being in fact quite committed to hand coloring, I didn't buy the book, only skimmed it once over lightly. Not that it, too, couldn't have been a fraud, but it had an air of sincerity & fact (also of Hill's frustration & heartbreak for loss of his triumph). Harvey might recollect more. He's still at the same address on Mercer St. I can look it up if need be. but maybe google has something.


Actually, most of my time at GEH was spent just admiring the works of dead

Best regards,


Read My T-Shirt for President: A True History of the Political Front _ and Back, by Judy Seigel. For Delicious details, and how to order:

"I'd recommend it for a Pulitzer Prize, except I lack the credentials."

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    • RE: Hill
      • From: "Robert W. Schramm" <schrammrus@hotmail.com>