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RE: Hill

Joseph Boudreau published an extensive and well-documented account of his
recreation of Hillotypes in Chapter 18 of:

Ostroff, E., Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers., et al.
(1987). Pioneers of photography : their achievements in science and
technology. Springfield, VA, SPSE--The Society for Imaging Science and
Technology : Distributed by Northeastern University Press.

I purchased this book several years ago from Northeastern-- it was at that
time otherwise considered out-of-print, though it wasn't-- it's just that
the University did not distribute it.

Gawain Weaver

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert W. Schramm [mailto:schrammrus@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 9:59 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Hill

I would be really interested in the reference which revealed Hill's Color 
Dag process to be a fraud.
The Daguerrian Society published a papper in which some people claimed to 
have produced color dags by Hill's process. It included some photos which 
looked fairly conviencing. I have always been skeptical about the Hill 
process because I cannot think of a wqay in which the colors could be 
generated. Also, as I recall, Hill never did give specific  directions on 
how to make color dags. One think I might mention is that if you over expose

a Dag you will get a beautiful bright blue in the highlights (see my web 
page), but there is a physical reason for this.

Bob Schramm
Check out my web page at:


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      • From: "Robert W. Schramm" <schrammrus@hotmail.com>