RE: Hill
There was a long article about Hillīs process in the old Camera Artīs
magazine, back in 1980 or 1981 as I recall. I can find the precise
refernce if you need it but not right now.
> I would be really interested in the reference which revealed Hill's Color
> Dag process to be a fraud.
> The Daguerrian Society published a papper in which some people claimed to
> have produced color dags by Hill's process. It included some photos which
> looked fairly conviencing. I have always been skeptical about the Hill
> process because I cannot think of a wqay in which the colors could be
> generated. Also, as I recall, Hill never did give specific directions on
> how to make color dags. One think I might mention is that if you over
> expose
> a Dag you will get a beautiful bright blue in the highlights (see my web
> page), but there is a physical reason for this.
> Bob Schramm
> Check out my web page at:
>>From: Judy Seigel <>
>>Subject: Hill
>>Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 20:54:22 -0500 (EST)
>>On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, etienne garbaux wrote:
>>>...I also spent some time researching the Hill
>>>"color Daguerrotype" process (later revealed to have been a fraud,
>>>by hand coloring).
>>You speak of Levi Hill? (The name that comes to mind.) More years ago
>> than
>>I can recall I picked up a book at Harvey Zucker's A Photographer's Place
>>with a title something like "Levi Hill Was Right." A group of
>> contemporary
>>photographers DID replicate his effects and even explained why others
>>hadn't been able to and like that. Having no intention myself of EVER
>> doing
>>anything in daguerreotype, and being in fact quite committed to hand
>>coloring, I didn't buy the book, only skimmed it once over lightly. Not
>>that it, too, couldn't have been a fraud, but it had an air of sincerity
>> &
>>fact (also of Hill's frustration & heartbreak for loss of his triumph).
>>Harvey might recollect more. He's still at the same address on Mercer St.
>> I
>>can look it up if need be. but maybe google has something.
>>>Actually, most of my time at GEH was spent just admiring the works of
>>> dead
>>>Best regards,
>>Read My T-Shirt for President: A True History of the Political Front _
>> and
>>Back, by Judy Seigel. For Delicious details, and how to order:
>>"I'd recommend it for a Pulitzer Prize, except I lack the credentials."
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- RE: Hill
- From: EJN Photo <>
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- From: Judy Seigel <>
- RE: Hill
- From: "Robert W. Schramm" <>