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Re: Gruppo Rodolfo Namias (Was Tricolor gum printers?)

Thank you, Don.
At present I am working on a huge projetc on Venice (it is my home town) and I hope to complete my resinotypes portfolio in a few months.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful images with us. Cyanotype over Gum
and Resinotype are both new to me, and most intriguing. I love the way the
brush strokes bleed out from many of the pictures - the opposite of frames.
The Venice pictures are particularly attractive - both yours and Giampietro
Bottani's. The slightly anarchic quality of the alternative (post-factory?
un-kodak?) photographic techniques helps the pictures evoke a spirit of that
To comment on a more general level, we are lucky to have free access to the
skills, insights and experience of so many generous contributors to this
list. I suggest personal criticisms should be restrained in acknowledgement
of that. If a little vanity or arrogance (or other venial sin) sometimes
accompanies an interesting contribution to the discourse, then that is a
small price to pay for being enlightened, challenged or provoked. So, why
not bring back Terry?
Don Sweet
----- Original Message ----- From: "Alberto Novo" <alt_list@albertonovo.it>
To: <alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Tricolor gum printers?

Giorgio Giachello of Gruppo Rodolfo Namias makes currently "true" tricolor
See www.grupponamias.com and look into the "authors" section. Other
have multicolored gums (myself included), but only most of Giachello's
are 3color.