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Re: "Raw" for dummies ?

Sorry, I only saw this thread now, coming back from my carnival hollyday (well, I´m in Brazil, the year starts today :-( ) . The begining of my knowledge on RAW processing came from Real World Camera RAW, by Bruce Fraser:<http://www.amazon.com/Real-World-Camera-Adobe-Photoshop/dp/0321334094/sr=8-1/qid=1172062402/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-1759101-6732937?ie=UTF8&s=books> (actually, the first edition, for PSCS). Later I learnt some more from this one:<http://www.amazon.com/Art-RAW-Conversion-Art-Quality-Converters/dp/1593270674/sr=8-7/qid=1172062626/ref=pd_bbs_sr_7/102-1759101-6732937?ie=UTF8&s=books> , which gives some other very interesting POV.
Hope this helps,
Rodolpho Pajuaba

Judy Seigel escreveu:

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, bkphoto@aol.com wrote:

,,,my textbook, The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom (Allworth, 2006). It's available at Amazon. You might find it a good investement. It will help you understand why and when Raw or Jpeg makes the best sense. You could follow-up by emailing me any questions you have, off list if you like.
Bill Kennedy

Well darn, I wish you'd told me that last week -- I was at College Art and, among other book displays, visited the Allworth booth... I saw that book in the catalog, tho don't recall it on the table... but I probably wouldn't have opened it even if it were, because my experience with the digital books has been so grim. I have several (I calculate about $150 worth), two of them recommended on this list, and I came as close as I feel a book should take me to having a stroke from them both.

Meanwhile, thanks for suggestion.
