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Re: "Raw" for dummies ?

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, bkphoto@aol.com wrote:

,,,my textbook, The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom (Allworth, 2006). It's available at Amazon. You might find it a good investement. It will help you understand why and when Raw or Jpeg makes the best sense. You could follow-up by emailing me any questions you have, off list if you like.
Bill Kennedy
Well darn, I wish you'd told me that last week -- I was at College Art and, among other book displays, visited the Allworth booth... I saw that book in the catalog, tho don't recall it on the table... but I probably wouldn't have opened it even if it were, because my experience with the digital books has been so grim. I have several (I calculate about $150 worth), two of them recommended on this list, and I came as close as I feel a book should take me to having a stroke from them both.

The problem is (as I have found editing articles for Post-Factory) that the EXPERT knows the material, it's in his or her head, so s/he doesn't realize it's NOT ON THE PAGE ! And of course that editor, who knows zilch about photography, let alone digital photography, assumes it makes sense if you know photography.

I'm blanking now on the names of the two guys (I think it was two of them) who did one of the books I patiently read through for nearly a week of my remaining time on earth, but when I needed to look up something about changing a color, instead of telling me how to do that, it spent 5 pages bragging about all the subtle/clever changes that HE (or they) had done, without ONE word about how to do it. I never opened that book again.

The other was --- is it Kristin someone? Again, lots of la di dah and preening, but only a few peripheral items of use. Maybe I just didn't know enough to begin with, but if I did, why would I need them?

However, at your recommendation, I might try again. I might even be able to still get the CAA discount (some houses offer it for a month). Is yours one of the Allworth books also in the Watson Guptill catalog? (I have it around here somewhere & will check.)

Meanwhile, thanks for suggestion.
