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Re: Epson 3800 vs 4800 - any advice?


> Have you used the 2200?  Any sense about how they compare?

I have.  For my workflow, I'd take the 2200 over the 4800.  If you're
looking for a wide format printer, you might also look into the 4000. 
It's been discontinued, but you can still find them used for a decent

In terms of black ink only, the 2200 is the best I've seen, and you may
not find a printer that can stand up to the 2200 (can anyone confirm/deny
this?).  Based on what I've seen and heard, the 2200 is one of the best
out there for black ink.

On the other hand, you could make black negatives/positives using all inks
on many of the newer printers and end up with a good, dense transparency
(I'll be trying this method today with solarplate on the 4000...I can let
you know how it goes if you're interested).

By the way, Sandy, thanks for the tip about adding some black ink on the
4800.  I'm assuming you're simply lowering the rgb values (i.e. r0g255b0
becomes r0g225b0)...?

I'll add it to my ever-growing list of things to experiment with...if B&S
ever replaces my bad shipment of AFO, that is...but that's another story.

Camden Hardy
