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Re: solarplate wedgies


I see the interference patterns (I hesitate to call them Newton Rings as I think they are related to moisture) immediately upon forming a vacuum in my Nu-Arc, i.e. no time for venting from the paper.


On 4/6/07, Barry Kleider <bkleider@sihope.com> wrote:

This might/might not be helpful -- I don't pretend to know anything
about PD printing....

Are you sure it's the film which is causing the moisture/condensation?

I've been doing some cyanotype prints over the past year, and several
times I've seen this condensation under the glass.

I've assumed the problem is caused by moisture in the paper "venting"
out as the paper warms up in the sun.


Katharine Thayer wrote:

> On Apr 3, 2007, at 11:37 AM, wcharmon@wt.net wrote:
>> I noticed the problem when printing palladium from diginegs on the new
>> 'improved' Pictorico Ultra. The back (non-inked) side was giving me
>> some
>> interference patterns that would occasionally be noticeable  in
>> smoother
>> toned areas of my prints. The old stuff did not do this.
> I've had the same problem once or twice with the inkjet film I use,
> which I buy from filmsource and so don't have a specific name for.
> When I did have the problem, it was connected to printing before the
> film  had dried enough after printing.  Not the ink, but the film
> itself.  The film isn't dry enough, or maybe that it's not cool
> enough, and the warmth causes condensation of the glass; at any rate
> there's  moisture that caused this Newton ring-like thing (but not
> the usual Newton rings, which isn't a function of moisture) between
> the back of the negative and the glass.   I found that a combination
> of drying the back of the negative with a blow-dryer and adding a
> puff of talc (I do it the same way Judy does, with a puff bottle.  A
> little poof of talc upward, let it settle, and that's all you need)
> took care of the problem.
> Katharine