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RE: Carbon on glass

Hey Cor,
You are correct that back exposure is no go with BL tubes, the image would be very diffused. I did use sugar in my carbon recipe since most of the sources reccomend it, I am not sure if it is needed for glass work. The exposures are 1 to 3 minutes mid morning to noon sun, so they are easy to time. Development is in rather hot water, propably much hotter then prescribed in old carbon recipes. Actually I was always intimidated by the strict temperature guidelines for carbon and now I do everything at room temperature.
As far as the display, a flat light box of the new type would be nice, but they are relatively expensive. A floating frame of some kind would be attractive since I do not want to detract from the fact that the image is on glass.

> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:55:02 +0200
> From: C.Breukel@lumc.nl
> Subject: RE: Carbon on glass
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Hi Marek,
> Sound realy interesting!
> A few questions come to mind. I am realy surprised that you do not see a decrease in sharpness (I guess the thinner the glass the better, provided that you can still handle it without breaking!)
> The few attempts I did in carbon printing (single transfer) I could see the diffence between contact printing emulsion to emulsion (giving a mirror image after transfer) versus flipping the sheet film.
> Perhaps it's, as you say, the point sorce (sun) versus a bank of UV lights.
> But how do you time your sun exposures, there is almost no room for correcting a wrong exposure in carbon?
> Sticking gelatine/pigment to glass is easy (no glycerol and sugar needed I suppose)?
> At what temp. do you develop after exposure?
> How do you display the end result: backlighted I suppose, or can you also place it on white paper?
> Thanks,
> Cor
> ________________________________________
> From: Marek Matusz [mailto:marekmatusz@hotmail.com]
> Sent: dinsdag 11 september 2007 15:22
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Carbon on glass
> Tom,
> Nice thing is there is no need to transfer. Since the exposure is from the back, the unexposed, unhardened gelatine sits on top of the image and dissolves nicely. The sharpness of the print is excellent despite the fact that the negative is separated from the image by a few milimiters. The trick is to us sun for exposure (or other collimated light source).
> Marek

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