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Re: a "fake" 3 color

This is very cool, I like this a lot. Did you use yellow ochre (I'm just guessing from the color in the border)? Clarification: when you say "it has washed away completely in the face" you mean only the cyan, or all the colors? It reads to me like you're saying that the negative was calibrated for pthalo, but when you printed pthalo, you didn't use the same exposure as in the calibration, was that what you meant? Thanks for showing, this is great.

On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:10 AM, Laura Valentino wrote:

I'm enjoying all the discussion of color separations and curves, pigment saturation and exposure times...trying to soak it all in. To show I haven't been completely idle, here's a "fake 3 color" I did the other day...just before, or near the beginning these discussions, that might even illustrate something useful about exposure times. I used the method of different exposure times for each color with the same neg. The curve had been tested with cyan (thalo blue), so it should have shown some detail in the face, but because it was underexposed, it has washed away completely in the face. At least I think that's what happened...it could've also had something to do with the fact that I can't seem to keep myself from dabbing around on my developing prints with a brush...is there a cure for that? :)


Best wishes,