Re: uncurve/curve comparison on Loris' website
Thanks for clarification. I've seen (somewhere, maybe not here) people suggesting exactly that: using less dichromate (with a negative already calibrated for the greater dichromate) to increase the contrast to make sure the top tones fall off and leave paper white. So I was predisposed to believe that there are people chasing their tail in that fashion; I apologize for misreading your posts to think that you were one of them. kt On Sep 28, 2007, at 10:29 AM, Loris Medici wrote: It's not that way. You just determine the dichromate/pigment/gum amnt. that gives you exactly the density / saturation you need *which you're also able to get paper white* and you design the curve for that coating solution. This is my perception of the correct workflow. On the other hand, the original "pragmatic" solution I offered was for the case where one is willing to explore if there's an easier workaround instead of recalibrating for the new versions of the coating solutions...