U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Carmen Miranda

RE: Carmen Miranda

	Believe me, I have!  I prefer Cachaca caipirinhas and I have
consumed gallons while I was in Brazil (Sao Paulo and Rio) shooting fashion.
By any chance do you know Du Ribeiro?  He is an excellent photographer and
wonderful guy. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodolpho Pajuaba [mailto:rodolpho@pajuaba.com.br] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:49 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Carmen Miranda

Hi, Bob,
Try this after a bunch of caipirinhas, and youŽll see why we have more 
fun ;-) .
Regards from Brazil,
Rodolpho Pajuaba

BOB KISS escreveu:
> Yes, the photo is a decent imitation but, "Ain't nothin' like the real
> baby!" 
> Well, all I can say is, "Aye yi, yi-yi, have you ever danced in the
> In the kind of lazy and kind of hazy, Souse American way?  Aye yi, yi-yi,
> have you ever kissed in the moon light, in that kind of glorious, and
> notorious, Souse American way?"  To most people Carmen Miranda was totally
> over the top.  Anyone who has ever been to Brazil realizes that she was
> merely scratching the surface!  As Jeremy Irons said in both his roles as
> Klaus von Bulow and as Scar in Lion King, "You have no ijjeahhh!"
> 			BOB

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