Re: Defining "post-modernism" -- WAS--- First define "post-modern"photography, dammit
for clarification....the post-structural movement that resulted from post-modernism had some very interesting things done by Roland Barthes and Umberto Eco's semiotics....then opening into what is populary referred to as "deconstructionist" field that included Paul DeMann, Noam Chomsky and the French deconstructionists including Michael Baktihn. My issue with deconstruction is the factor we are addressing here. Reinterpretation of ideas by people outside of the original experience. For example, I've seen comments like this, "T.S. Eliot cannot be taken for his stated interests or intentions because his post-Fruedian expatriation made him pathologically incapable to understand his own thoughts and intentions. Therefore, we will take words as symbols and re-analyze his art. and determine for ourselves what he was saying." For my money, this sounds like neo-Maoist re- education. Bob On Nov 19, 2007, at 8:32 AM, Bob and Carla wrote: I think that this conclusion is pointing more towards post- structural theory and criticism.....which as much followed postmodernism (re-inventing history, etc.)