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Re: Paper Nrgatives

Hi John, It has been a few years hasn't it. The early days of the Bromoil
list as I recall.

I am presently only superficially familiar with Echague's work and have not
yet done anything with direct carbon myself, although I do find the idea
intriguing. It will have to wait for some day down the road though as I am
still reeling from the shock of receiving an eviction notice from our
landlord yesterday.

A sincere Thank You for your words of encouragement though, it's much
appreciated. I will try to post some details to my website when I am able to
do so.



----- Original Message -----
From: "John Grocott" <john.grocott403@ntlworld.com>
To: "The List" <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 4:11 AM
Subject: Paper Nrgatives

> Hello Andrea, again, after several years,
>                           Jose Ortiz Echague's prints were mostly made
using full size paper negatives produced long before computers were ever
thought of.
> Early in his career Echague was using a 6 X 9 cm camera so I suppose he
would have contacted the original neg from the camera with other film,
probably ortho, to make a positive tranny which could then be enlarged onto
the paper  to give a full size paper neg.
>                    Unusual, though, that you are working with Carbon
Transfer  and paper negs and what  great results you have achieved.
Echague's prints, as you may know,  were made on Direct Carbon paper.
>                     Having read some of your w/s may I wish you the
potential to rise out of the threatening housing problems you describe so
you may  keep your creative workspace and carry on making pictures.
> Sincere best wishes.
> John - Photographist - London - UK

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