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Five Stages to Javelle Gum Print

You mentioned that there were five stages leading to the final exquisite portraits of your wife which you informed us were made using gum with bleach method. Would it be too much to ask of you to offer us another little w/s showing the imperfect results of these stages ? One often learns more from mistakes / failures than from the final achievments.

Thank you so much if this is possible.

Ciao. John - Photographist - London - UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Loris Medici" <mail@loris.medici.name>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Bleach-development with gum

For those who are interested, I've made a simple web page showing the print:

1. before clearing
2. after clearing
3. a 100% crop (was scanned at 300ppi)

See: http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/bleach_clear.html


From: Loris Medici <mail@loris.medici.name>
Reply-To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:09:07 +0200
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Conversation: Bleach-development with gum
Subject: Re: Bleach-development with gum

This is my best so far (after six test prints - including this one):
