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Re: Five Stages to Javelle Gum Print

Of course,

I have only 3 more prints to show. The 2 other prints (trial 2 and 4) on
sized paper have flaked / flagged so much that I just brushed off the whole
emulsion (thinking I may use the papers later again).

Trial 1:
Not enough pigment, too much dichromate, too much exposure. If I got the
dichromate and exposure amounts right it could made a nice print - even if
the blackest blacks are not enough to justify the bleaching procedure.

Trial 3:
Too much pigment, too much exposure. I had to bleach the print more than I
would consider "normal" now, in order to be able to get an image. The result
is too harsh, not pleasing at all.

Trial 5:
Ok pigment, ok dichromate, ok exposure but ruined while trying to finish it
with polyurethane - while the print wasn't hard enough. (See the brushmarks
and how the emulsion came off.)

I was afraid of ruining the good print so I didn't try to coat it with
polyurethane later.

Hope this helps,

> From: John Grocott <john.grocott403@ntlworld.com>
> Reply-To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
> Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 23:54:17 +0000
> To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
> Subject: Five Stages to Javelle Gum Print
> Loris,
>            You mentioned that there were five stages leading to the final
> exquisite portraits of your wife which you informed us were made using gum
> with bleach method.  Would it be too much to ask of you  to offer us another
> little w/s showing the imperfect  results of these stages ?  One often
> learns more from mistakes / failures than from the final achievments.
> Thank you so much if this is possible.
> Ciao. John - Photographist - London - UK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Loris Medici" <mail@loris.medici.name>
> To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 4:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Bleach-development with gum
>> For those who are interested, I've made a simple web page showing the
>> print:
>> 1. before clearing
>> 2. after clearing
>> and
>> 3. a 100% crop (was scanned at 300ppi)
>> See: http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/bleach_clear.html
>> Regards,
>> Loris.