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RE: math question verrrrrry off topic

Christina wrote, "...having a colored toilet 
determined if you were going to get cancer or not...".
	Oh God!  NOW you tell me!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Z. Anderson [mailto:zphoto@montana.net] 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 12:41 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: math question verrrrrry off topic

LOLOL you two are cards...

Thanks to all the math answers.  I guess it is way more complex than I had 
anticipated.  I was just seeking a random odds thingy (what is the chance of

out of 600 objects if 150 are chosen, 3 being chosen) but if I ask for that 
simple formula (is it 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4?) then my statistics would actually 
lie, and support the old adage that you can get statistics to support about 
anything (e.g. I remember hearing way back when that having a colored toilet

determined if you were going to get cancer or not).

From: "Barry Kleider" <bkleider@sihope.com>
> Has the father of this mythical fourth person left an endowed chair to
> the institution? Or, perhaps more immediate -- what's the likelihood the
> family would sponsor the exhibition's reception?
> Barry

>> First you need to know whether or not they entered gum prints.
>> Best Wishes,
>> Mark Nelson

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