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Re: Cyanotype with high school students

Hi Janet,

There might be cheaper alternatives but InkPress Transparency film (www.inkpresspaper.com ) works great and is cheaper than Pictorico. They also have a good selection of sheet sizes that make your life easier.

Oh, a platinum-palladium curve is a good starting point for cyanotype too.

Best of luck with your class!



On Jan 28, 2008, at 5:29 PM, jneuhauser@wavecable.com wrote:

Dear List,

I teach Digital Photography to high school students and next semester I want to teach them how to make digital negatives and cyanotypes from those negatives. Not only will it fulfill the history of photography requirement I need to teach but it will give them some tactile hands-on experience that they don't get from digital. I don't have a very big budget for this and was wondering if anyone could recommend an inexpensive film for the negatives and an all purpose paper that will print on the variety of negatives they are bound to get...

Thanks for any information you can give me.

Janet Neuhauser