Re: Vandyke Question
Judy, The first two batches of sensitizer were made with water from my steam distiller. The last 6+ batches were made from distilled bought at the local food store. I checked the label and it doesn't say how it was made. As a side note, I drink a lot of flavored water and just looked at the label. It says "purified water" so i'm now wondering .... Sam, I am a stickler for things like this. I used a calibrated thermometer and kept all solutions between 110-120 F. Constant stirring and everything is added slowly. On the last batch part c was added at about a drop a second and everything was fine until I got to the last 7-8 ml then it started to cloud up. How vigorous should the stirring be? I stir enough to create a small whirlpool and switch direction often. Best to all, Scott