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Re: Lithium Chloropalladite

OK I understand now.
What was your average add of 50% LiCl to the solution ?

Philippe Ayral

Le 24 mars 08 à 20:58, Marek Matusz a écrit :
That was my practice to have a stock solution of 50% LiCl and add it to the mix before printing. It ias easier to experiment with lithium chloride concentration and the effects of humidity that way. You can also add solid lithium chloride to sodium / palladium solution.

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:56:40 +0100
From: payral@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Lithium Chloropalladite
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca


Thanks for your answer.
Do you mean that you are making a LiCl solution (50% with water) before mixing it to the Sodium Chloropalladite solution ?

Philippe Ayral

Le 24 mars 08 à 15:44, Marek Matusz a écrit :
I used to add lithium chloride to my sodium tetrachloropalladite mix. The  chemistry works just fine, you are diluting you solution slightly. I used a 50%  LiCl solution. You can actually add a large amount of lithium chloride this way. Try it.

> Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:05:48 +0100
> From: payral@gmail.com
> Subject: Lithium Chloropalladite
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Is it possible to prepare Lithium Chloropalladite from already made 
> Sodium Chloropalladite ?All my Palladium Chloride stock is already 
> dissolved with Sodium Chlorure for 15% Sodium Chloropalladite for DOP 
> palladium printing but I like to try DOP with Lithium Chloropalladite 
> so what happens if I add some Lithium Chloride to the solution ?
> Philippe Ayral
> http://payral.club.fr

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