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RE: Printing negatives with Piezography black inks

Which Peizotone ink? I think that some of it might be the harshness that
some subject the neg to as well. I have tried it on older OHP. I have not
tried it on the newer material. I think we all need to be a little careful
to site material used by not only name but year. Things change quickly and
it is likely that more than just personal bias is at work in our answers. 

I use the Sepia set with museum black.

Eric Neilsen Photo
4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
214 827-8301
SKype ejprinter
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Nelson [mailto:ender100@aol.com] 
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2008 1:53 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Printing negatives with Piezography black inks

Depends on which inkjet. I had a digital negative printed on Pictorico  
with one of the piezo inksets. After 3 days of drying i was able to  
wipe off the entire image with a Kleenex.

I guess the advantage is that you could use the Pictorico over and  
over. Hehehe

Mark Nelson
PDNPrint Forum @ Yahoo Groups
 From my iPhone

On May 2, 2008, at 11:10 PM, jean-claude Pronier
 > wrote:

> Sorry Eric, but a friend of mine Claude Plessier very good  
> heliograveur, print continous tone positive on Pictorico using  
> Piezotone, from years without problem.
> Piezzo inks need one day to dry on Pictorico.
> jean-claude
> Le 2 mai 08 à 20:35, EJN Photo a écrit :
>> If you can wipe it off, you are using the wrong combination of ink  
>> and
>> substrate. Cone's Piezotone inks will not adhere to OHP. You need  
>> to use the
>> ultraclear material from Photo Ware House or some such product. And  
>> the K2
>> and K3 inks will not stick to it, so you need to use the OHP.
>> Eric
>> Eric Neilsen Photo
>> 4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
>> Dallas, TX 75226
>> 214 827-8301
>> http://ericneilsenphotography.com
>> SKype ejprinter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Erich Camerling [mailto:e.camerling@tiscali.nl]
>> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 1:23 PM
>> To: alt- photo-process
>> Subject: Printing negatives with Piezography black inks
>> Dear members,
>> Since the first of May I have exchanged my original Epson-inks for
>> Piezography inks on my Epson Stylus Photo R 1800.(the reason:the UV
>> density of these Epson inks (UltraChrome high gloss) is too low for  
>> Pt
>> negatives).
>> I have used QuadToneRIP to print a test negative with densities  
>> from 2
>> to 100 % (in 2% rising densities).The film is AGFA CopyJet  
>> (~Pictorico)
>> and ColorGate.
>> But before I can test the UV densities in practice,worse luck !,I can
>> wipe off the Piezography ink very easy with the top of my finger.
>> Am I doing something wrong ? If yes : what ...?
>> How do you use Piezography K7 ink on film like Pictorico without the
>> problem of whiping off it easy ?
>> Erich Camerling