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Re: I'm back! Hi to all + Silane?

Hi Loris,
Welcome back!

I've tried silane and not had good luck with it, but there's a guy.... unfortunately I can't remember his name. .... who has perfected printing gum on glass using silane as a sub. He and I corresponded for a while several years ago on the subject but I've changed computers since then and don't have any of that correspondence now. But I'm sure the people who frequent the Bostick and Sullivan forum, if it still exists, will know who I'm talking about, and for all I know, he may well still post there himself, if it does still exist. And maybe someone here knows who I'm talking about. William something, I think... maybe. I'd recommend looking him up, and to do that, I'd recommend starting with the Bostick and Sullivan forum. Good luck.

On Jun 15, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Loris Medici wrote:

Hi to all,

I'm (finally) back home after 6 months of military service.

As you can easily understand, I'm craving for taking photographs and
making alt prints. My current priority is working with glass; during
summer, I want to make cyanotypes and gum prints on glass.

Browsing the internet, I came across with compounds with the generic name
"silane". What I understand is that silane compounds can be used as
intermediate material, to help alt process emulsions (or gelatin primers)
adhering to glass.

Is there anyone using silane for such purposes? What is your procedure?

(My plan is to silanize the glass - which is a self-assembly process as I
understand it - then coat it with hardened gelatine and then put the alt
process emulsion on top of this sandwitch...)

What are your suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I'm very happy for being around again!