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Re: I'm back! Hi to all + Silane?

Hi Katharine,

I found your correspondence with Martin Mueller here:

I will do few things different:
First, the sources I could find about glass silanization (mostly medical,
about preparing glass or mica dishes for culture growing ect., looking for
better adhesion of organic molecules onto the glass) say one should
*rinse* the glass after a *timed* dip into the solution. Second, I will
put a hardened gelatin *subbing* layer between cyanotype/gum layer and
silanized glass. I saw no evidence that you did these in your description
(probably because Martin hadn't mentioned).

I feel more positive about cyanotype, I have doubts about gum (since even
silanized and primed with gelatin, the glass will have very little tooth -
it any - for gum). We'll see if I ever manage to try this in a couple of


15 Haziran 2008, Pazar, 11:49 pm tarihinde, Katharine Thayer yazmış:
> Hi Loris,
> Welcome back!
> I've tried silane and not had good luck with it, but there's a
> guy.... unfortunately I can't remember his name. .... who has
> perfected printing gum on glass using silane as a sub.  He and I
> corresponded for a while several years ago on the subject but I've
> changed computers since then and don't have any of that
> correspondence now.  But I'm sure the people who frequent the Bostick
> and Sullivan forum, if it still exists, will know who I'm talking
> about, and for all I know, he may well still post there himself, if
> it does still exist.  And maybe someone here knows who I'm talking
> about.  William something, I think... maybe.   I'd recommend looking
> him up, and to do that, I'd recommend starting with the Bostick and
> Sullivan forum.    Good luck.
> Katharine
> On Jun 15, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Loris Medici wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> I'm (finally) back home after 6 months of military service.
>> As you can easily understand, I'm craving for taking photographs and
>> making alt prints. My current priority is working with glass; during
>> summer, I want to make cyanotypes and gum prints on glass.
>> Browsing the internet, I came across with compounds with the
>> generic name
>> "silane". What I understand is that silane compounds can be used as
>> intermediate material, to help alt process emulsions (or gelatin
>> primers)
>> adhering to glass.
>> Is there anyone using silane for such purposes? What is your
>> procedure?
>> (My plan is to silanize the glass - which is a self-assembly
>> process as I
>> understand it - then coat it with hardened gelatine and then put
>> the alt
>> process emulsion on top of this sandwitch...)
>> What are your suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Loris.
>> P.S. I'm very happy for being around again!