Re: Good humidity meter?
Sam, I was taught those many years ago that the most accurate measuring of humidity was by using a sling psychrometer.... to measure the humidity at the time of measurement, rather than a over a period of time. They can be purchased somewhat inexpensively at auction eg. in- Case_W0QQitemZ350073129637QQihZ022QQcategoryZ414QQtcZphotoQQssPageNameZW DVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Ken On 29-Jun-08, at 1:19 PM, sam wang wrote: Could someone recommend a good meter for monitoring humidity? My latest purchase is apparently way off since it wildly differed from my other 4 in both temperature and humidity. By the way none of the remaining 4 agreed with one another - they varied in temperature by about 3 degrees and humidity by 8 percent. We can at least check temperature with pretty accurate glass thermometers, but humidity? Quando omni flunkus moritati (R. Green)