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Re: JMC lens was/Re: dreamy Nikon lenses

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Judy Seigel" <jseigel@panix.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Cc: <alt-photo-process-error@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 7:59 AM
Subject: JMC lens was/Re: dreamy Nikon lenses

> ...
> I can't remember where I put an extremely important letter from a lawyer
> last week,
> ...
> When you're as old as I am and have a house crammed with important
> evidence from all your goose chases,
> ...

There is a tremendous insight in those bits.

When you are a lawyer and you have an office crammed with important evidence
from all your clients' goose chases, I am afraid you just have to send them
off to be shredded after 6 years or so.  I can hardly bear it, and have to
leave, or otherwise I stand there frantically plucking pages out of the
doomed folders.  It is a bit like murdering your darlings.

Don Sweet