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Re: Alt collections in Europe

The SFP is closed to the old BNF , but the new BNF François mitterand is @ 15 minutes by tube.

I think you should contact the SFP if you offer enough garantee , you can organize a demachy exhibition in the USA.

Paris is a small town compare to Manhatan NY and many of the museum are in the center. SO orsay www.musee-orsay.fr/  is only 5minute by tube from THe MEP( European museum of photography http://www.mep-fr.org/) which is 5 min walk from the carnavalet http://www.carnavalet.paris.fr/ ( but here you may see the program before visiting , because they have a great collection but they don't show it often.
So if they don't have any  photo exhibition you may have a falalel ( the best in the world ) in Rue des rosier  (closed on shabbat) . then take a bus who will bring you to the SFP in 20 min.

The best thing is to call me before you come in France If I am not printing I'll take time to go to Paris and make you an alt trip from the sfp to The Fresson atelier.


At 21:35 27/08/2008, you wrote:

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Chris Nze wrote:

No judy these are the same  The SFP is afffiliated to the BNF  (so they are suported by the state) .

But are they close to each other?  That is, just acrss the street, or do you have to walk across town in the rain?

Orsay museum have some photographic collection so does Carnavalet ,

OK, have mercy on a citizen who hasn't been to France, let alone Paris, since, um.... 1962?  The Orsay Museum is..... where?

And Carnavalet ???

I'm having fantasies of a charter flight for listers, just to see gum -- but thinking realistically, it would probably be easier to kidnap, say, Sarkozy, and demand an exhibit of Demachy in the Metropolitan Museum as ransom... Or we could offer them PARIS Hilton in a simple exchange. Wouldn't that do it?
(Sorry, though, I don't think we have anyone named "Carnavalet.")



 but the
bigger demachy collection is at the SFP and turn in France. For Puyo it is different there is some other collection in other city such as Nantes.

At 05:12 27/08/2008, you wrote:

On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, Chris Nze wrote:

you may visit the sfp in Paris ( the french photoraphic society) they have great collection of demachy puyo and other french pictorialist.
I remember that maybe 4 or 5 years ago (maybe more, the way time flies these days), after a trip to Europe Bob Schramm wrote that the most beautiful gum prints he'd ever seen were Demachy's at the Biblioteque Nationale, in Paris.  I assume that's different from the SFP (tho alas, I haven't seen either of them), so I mention it.

GAt 23:44 25/08/2008, you wrote:
I would love it if you would keep this conversation on list because I would like to visit museums, etc.,  that have great alt collections as well? I can remember one comment from a former list member that the Folkwang museum in Essen, Germany was a most memorable alt experience of his life.
Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: Projekti Vedos
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:19 PM
Subject: Alt collections in Europe
Dear List,
it may be possible that two of us teachers from our university will get a chance to make a trip to some European cities in the near future with a view to familiarize ourselves with European alt-photo works. We're particularly interested in UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy...
So I'd like to ask your advice: Can you recommend access (and possibly guidance) to public or private collections of original alt prints, historical or contemporary. What would be the best museums, educational institutes, academies, galleries, etc. in your country, relative to alt?
If you prefer you can reply off-list.
Thanks in advance,
- Jalo

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VEDOS - Alternative Processes in Photography and Printmaking
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Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
School of Fine Art Kankaanpää
Paasikivenkatu 24, 38700 Kankaanpää, Finland
Tel: +358 2 620 6154
Email: vedos@samk.fi
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