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Re: Etching Press Innovations: was: Presses forPhotogravure/Gravure/Photopolymer

Jon.... I think it's Paul Taylor at Renaissance Press that has a rig that holds the blankets above the press in a loop.  I've seen a photo of it somewhere... maybe on his website?

The Takach mechanism doesn't necessarily hold tension on the blankets... at least it doesn't look like it would do that.  I dunno.

Hey looky what I found!!!!  Photos of the steamroller printmakers at Flickr.  It's for real!   http://www.flickr.com/photos/clockworkgrue/with/2874704862/

I soooooo want to do that!


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Jon Lybrook <jon@intaglioeditions.com> wrote:
Hi Mark,

Congrats on your new press!  I'd volunteer Susan to help you, but I know she's washing her dog then.

You must have missed the discussions that ensued regarding big drum/little drum conversation back in July.  Jack Brubaker corrected me and clarified exactly what you are saying with alot of good info.  The fact remains the pressure may be greater in terms of PSI, but the distribution of pressure, which is the important thing with photogravure, is greater and more evenly distributed with a larger drum.

Hard to believe a dick blick mini press with at 3.5" drum would provide greater pressure than a streamroller though...but hey, imagine the size of the polymer plate you'd need to make the most of that steamroller??? You'd have to run it through a carwash at night to process it I'll bet...it'd be awesome.  At what size does a print cease to be art again?  I forget.  I know there was a ruling on that at some point.  :-D

Susan - The tactile experience of smoothing blankets down is nice, and the aesthetics of the mechanism sucks, I agree, but those things aren't as important to me as the final results.  I was reading in the book "Copper Plate Photogravure" Mark recommended some months back about how pulling the blankets tight against the drum as they traveled through the press helps provide a better, sharper impression (I forget why exactly).  Seems like the blanket rotation mechanism would do that automatically every time, without the need for an assistant to pull the blankets while someone else cranked the press...that's why I'm interested in it.  I'll make some other postings to see who has actually used it yet.  Wonder if the Takach's would let me try it sometime at their plant before investing in one...


SusanV wrote:

Mark.... you don't reeeeeeeeealy think it's coming do you?  hehehehe

And John and I would love to come over and help ya with the press, but we have to wash the dog that week, and it's a big dog so ya know... it's gonna take a while.

susan :o)

2008/9/28 ender100 <ender100@aol.com <mailto:ender100@aol.com>>


   I had to laugh at your idea of driving the car over a piece of
   plywood to make a print, because I had the same fantasy! hehehehe

   I agree about the blankets, but the idea of using the torque wrench
   to tighten synchronized  bolts for the pressure (looks like the two
   have sprockets with a bike chain connecting them is clever!

   Press comes this coming week!  Anyone want to help me carry it down
   into the basement?

   Have you checked ebay for a steam roller?

   I think we covered this issue once before?  Someone recently said
   they wanted the larger roller for greater pressure?  A smaller
   roller I believe would give greater pressure—a given pressure would
   be distributed over a smaller area with a smaller roller.

   Best Wishes,

   Mark Nelson
   Precision Digital Negatives <http://www.precisiondigitalnegatives.com/>
   Print Forum @ Yahoo! Groups
   Mark Nelson Photography <http://www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com/>

   On Sep 28, 2008, at 5:11:09 PM, SusanV <susanvoss3@gmail.com
   <mailto:susanvoss3@gmail.com>> wrote:

       From:   SusanV <susanvoss3@gmail.com <mailto:susanvoss3@gmail.com>>

       Subject:        Re: Etching Press Innovations: was: Presses for
       Date:   September 28, 2008 5:11:09 PM CDT
       To:     alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

       Hey Jon!

       Interesting add-ons for the Takach presses.
       I really enjoy the whole process of placing and smoothing the
       blankets by hand, though.  I don't really care for the big metal
       cover for the blanket rig either.  As for the pressure
       adjustment, that would sure be convenient if you were adjusting
       (changing), the pressure a lot.  
       I've always wanted to try driving my car onto a stack of 3/4
       inch plywood placed over my plate to make a print.  I almost
       tried it once back when I was making collagraphs.

       I think there's a group out in California (of course), that uses
       a steamroller to make prints.... now THAT sounds like fun!


       On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 2:09 AM, Jon
       Lybrook <jon@intaglioeditions.com
       <mailto:jon@intaglioeditions.com>> wrote:

           Your press sounds great Susan, but check out the video on
           the bottom of this page:


           I've used quite a few presses too over the years, mostly old
           ones, some new ones, but I've never seen this before.
            Anyone have any experience with these blanket rotation and
           synchronized pressure systems?  I'm very interested to find
           some reviews...


           SusanV wrote:

               Hi Brian,

               I had a press custom designed and hand built for me by
               Marshall Heaton, and I couldn't ask for anything more.
                The press has been outstanding, and Marshall was great
               to work with on the design and build.  Mine is a
               "tabletop" design with a 10" top roller and a 10:1
               ration gear system that makes it a breeze to pull a KM73
               plate with Rives.  The bed size will easily handle a 22
               wide paper, so I can print a 20" wide image (which I've
               not done "yet"... but it's nice to know that I "can"                  :O) )  My husband and I built a base for mine that
               includes storage and industrial grade, locking casters
               which I love... I can push that sucker around out of the
               way when I'm not using it, and I keep most of my
               printmaking supplies in the base.  My degree is in
               printmaking, so I've used a lot of nice presses in
               various studios and universities through the years...
               and I wouldn't trade mine for any of t hem.

               You can find more info
               here: http://www.geocities.com/workpress/

               Good Luck!

               --                susan daly voss
               gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
               <http://www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com> <http://www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com>
               website www.dalyvoss.com
               <http://www.dalyvoss.com> <http://www.dalyvoss.com>

               On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Brian Pawlowski
               <mailto:beepy@netapp.com> <mailto:beepy@netapp.com

               <mailto:beepy@netapp.com>>> wrote:

                  Hey. Don't want to argue about what a photogravure is:-)
                  Just wanted a little advice on presses.

                  I'm using the KM73 plates, and I'm about happy with
               what I have
                  in terms of production... I'm producing plates.

                  I tried to run it through a very very small etching
               press and I am
                  simply not getting anywhere near enough pressure to
               draw the ink onto
                  the (dampened Rives) paper. I clamped it down further
               and when I turn
                  the handles I lift the press:-)

                  I used some large oder presses with photopolymer
               plates at Kala
                  in Berkeley, so think the final thing here is to get
               a beefy press
                  for intaglio work.

                  Any recommendations?  I am sitting on a quote from a
               few months back
                  from Takach for the 3060 table top press. Though they
               suggested maybe
                  a 3450 floor press.

                  This is big. I could go smaller. But other options
               besides Takach?



           --            Jon Lybrook
           Intaglio Editions

       --        susan        gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com


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gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com <http://www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com>

Jon Lybrook
Intaglio Editions

gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com