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RE: Tricolor gum, order of layers

I understand economy. I have not printed gum negative on pictorico in ages for the same reason. FOr smaller sizes  I use whatever injet transparency is available in local office supply store and for years I have been using Ultrafine with excellent results. I am now printing woth Epson 3800 in black ink only and it is just outstanding, not to mention fast!
I have to say that long exposure drive me crazy. Anthing longer then 5 minutes and I am going over the edge. I just love 1 minute exposures. They fit in my workflow perfectly.

> Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 01:44:17 +0300
> From: mail@loris.medici.name
> Subject: RE: Tricolor gum, order of layers
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Not due both technical and artistic reasons. It's economy! :)
> In my part of the world, we don't have good quality inkjet transparency
> for good prices. I have to import Pictorico (which is already expensive)
> with added overseas shipment + customs fees. Color gum requires at least
> three negatives, and that makes every print (including experimental ones)
> quite expensive! :)
> I don't care about perfect sharpness + incredible smooth tonality anymore
> -> this can be achieved with injet prints already. I'm looking for
> something distinguishable (by average Joe/Jane) + something that I can
> manipulate in every stage. Hopefully, to me gum is the right answer.
> I'm not much interested in Pt/Pd printing anymore for the same reasons;
> it's expensive (and importing chemicals is a PIA. Besides, I can buy all
> gum printing material locally for very very good prices - better than your
> prices...) and people (that is average Joe's and Jane's) don't understand
> what's so special about them just by the looks.
> Regards,
> Loris.
> 1 Ekim 2008, Çarşamba, 4:36 pm tarihinde, Marek Matusz yazmış:
> >
> > Loris,
> > WHy did you switch to paper negatives? Technical or artistic reason? I
> > enjoy following this exchange and you print making adventure.

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