U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Tricolor gum, order of layers

RE: Tricolor gum, order of layers

Hi Loris

Could you describe the paper you use for negatives a little more? You say it
is quite translucent, Is it like draughting film (paper) or velum ? Who is
the manufacturer? Pictorico here in the UK is expensive too.



-----Original Message-----
From: Loris Medici [mailto:mail@loris.medici.name] 
Sent: 02 October 2008 23:26
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Tricolor gum, order of layers

Yes, composite grayscale is exactly grayscale including color inks. With my
printer that means: back + light gray + some (very little I presume) color

Probably oiling would mask some of the paper texture... I noticed that the
paper you mention is a special photo paper. If I'm not mistaking, the
printers lay much more ink and use a much denser dithering algorithm with
those "photo" papers. Instead, I use a special type of plain paper (which is
quite translucent - and less textured / but there's still some texture
- compared to ordinary plain paper) and I print using the plain paper
profile provided in the printer driver (which lays much less ink and uses a
more visible / relaxed dithering pattern), and I think that's the main
difference leading to my pointillistic result which you haven't observed.

Hope this helps,

1 Ekim 2008, Çarşamba, 12:13 am tarihinde, Katharine Thayer yazmış:
> Hi Loris,
> Aaah, I get it now.  You erased and reprinted the cyan layer.
> Thanks, and sorry for being so dense.
> Hmm,  that's very interesting about the pointillism; by "composite 
> grayscale" you mean greyscale printed with color inks, I assume.
> That's how I've always printed my paper negatives, and I haven't ever 
> got that effect, except for the one time I mentioned when I used 
> pencil to make changes on the paper negative.  I wonder what the 
> difference is, whether it's oiled or not, or maybe the kind of paper?  
> The paper that's always worked best for me has been Epson Photo 
> Quality Inkjet Paper, (now called  Presentation Paper Matte -- same 
> stock number, different name), oiled.  I used to use mineral oil, til 
> Keith suggested baby oil and I switched over.  Well, it doesn't 
> matter, I'm just curious ; I like to try to understand things that 
> aren't immediately obvious to me.
> You're most welcome, glad to offer what help  I can, although 
> ultimately it's gum that teaches its requirements and principles to 
> those who are willing to learn from it; all I can do is point in a 
> general direction.
> Katharine

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