Re: Sorry & oilprint help
I also used the plain oil paint and stiffen it, and yes it works but
in my case the results with etch/litho ink were really easier and
On 11 okt 2008, at 2:17, Gordon J. Holtslander wrote:
I have used litho varnish and plain oil paint - litho varnish can be
added to oil paint to stiffen it. I had some success with it - but
shortly after this I had to dismantle my darkroom in order to
repair my
Litho varnish comes in a variety of thickness stiffness - I used a
number 8 from Graphic Chemical and Ink
I use weber Turpenoid natural to clean. Its a synthetic turpentine
is non-toxix. Without this I couldn't consider doing oil print
I'm now working on putting my darkroom back together. I may be
again in a couple weeks :)
Gord wrote:
Hi Henk,
Thanks for replying. I'm going to order some litho ink as you
I'll try again when it arrives and I'll get back to you with the
results if I may? Once again, thank you
David H
On Oct 10 2008, henk thijs wrote:
.... since two days al my msg's to the list were bouncing; so i
contact my server and hope it is ok now...
Normal oil paint is really not the way to go; litho-etching ink is
harder (and i have the impression less additives).
Even the litho-ink is not stiff enough for me, i add pure pigments to
stiffen; also magnesium-carbonate can be used.
But, like gumprinting, parameters influencing the final result are
Gelatine coating (it took me some time before deciding to stick to 3
layers of 8 to 10 %.)
The potassium carbonate 6 %, coating until the paper is not taken
anymore and it takes a long time to dry.
The exposure, compared to gum it takes about 2 times as much (in my
case with an inkjet-plotter-foil neg.: for gum 600 to 700 seconds,
for oilprint about 1400 seconds)
The ink: if spread very thin on a tile or equivalent, go over it with
a foam roller, try on a sheet of normal paper, result must be a very
thin 'brayer-stroke'.
Before inking i dry the paper both sides, and wait a bit before
starting inking.
If ink is applied, spray a bit of water over it, and use a clean foam
roller to bring back the contrast.
Hope this helps.
If not, tell me what exactly goes wrong.