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RE: buying previously used pt/pd chemistry

Paul, No, seeing metal at the bottom of the bottle is NOT a good thing or to be expected. Palladium is not near a saturated solution as most printers use it an even less so for solution that B&S sells compared to some formulas call for. There should NOT be any settled stuff in a PD bottle. In the case of PT, it can come out of solution as a metal with excessive heating or can be present through poor quality control. It can also be there because it can come out of solution but it is MUCH more likely to crystallize in to large ruby red chunks that are 5 sided (if I recall correctly) being formed at the bottom of the bottle. These can and should be able to be put back into solution with slight heating. 100F


You might see the salt in the PD solution or a complex thereof. Now it can be added to saturation, but it is different than just the PdCl2. If you see very fine streaks in your prints, they may be caused by metal particle being pulled across the paper. Black specks can also be a speck of metal.


40% is a good price.  


Filter them if you run across problems.


Eric Neilsen Photo

4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9

Dallas, TX 75226

214 827-8301



SKype ejprinter


From: Paul Viapiano [mailto:viapiano@pacbell.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 2:29 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: buying previously used pt/pd chemistry


As far as I know, the solutions are from B&S, purchased in liquid form and no heating was done to them. The price I paid amounts to 40% off current retail, so I thought it was worth it...


Regarding sediment in the bottles: I thought that the pt and pd solutions are near saturation and that it's common to see the metal at the bottom of the bottle, hence the admonition to shake 'em up the night before and let them settle. No?








----- Original Message -----

From: EJN Photo

Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:01 PM

Subject: RE: buying previously used pt/pd chemistry


The solutions themselves can last quite well. However, not everyone uses chemicals in the same way. So, several things to ask the seller. Where did they come from? Did they buy them as a powder or liquid? Did they routinely heat them? If so, how? Over heating PT solutions can cause some problems.


If you and the seller use them as delivered and they work a lot like you do, you’ll be in good standing to judge for yourself. I have had a problem with this in the past, but you never know. I did have one bottle of PD during a workshop turned into a PD/Ferric solution by a slightly confused student.


Look for sediment in the bottles. Are you in the same town or is this a buy sight un seen?




Eric Neilsen Photo

4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9

Dallas, TX 75226

214 827-8301



SKype ejprinter


From: Neal Wilson [mailto:wilsonneal@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 10:22 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: buying previously used pt/pd chemistry


I've done this and it's always been just fine. The Pt/Pd/Na2 seem to be fairly bulletproof. It's not storage that is an issue, but rather contamination.

Join me


Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:08:58 -0800
From: viapiano@pacbell.net
Subject: buying previously used pt/pd chemistry
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

Hi all...


I know someone who is getting out of pt/pd printing and selling a few solutions (pt, pd, na2) at good prices...any danger in buying them besides the uusual caveats about how they were stored?



