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Re: re-clearing pt/pd

ahh.  thank goodness it was only a test strip. 

The long answer (at least my experience thus far)
Some papers lighter papers (cranes 90# cover, platinotype, arches platine, and japanese papers) these can sometimes be "re"cleared after theyve been washed and have dried. 
But when it comes to thicker papers (Rives BFK, Fabriano Artistico and such) those things seem to retain that yellow stain no matter how long you try to "re"clear them.  In fact, I've tried it before with Fabriano Artistico and during the "re"clearing the image actually started to bleach out in the Sod. Sulfate and EDTA bath long before the yellow stain would go away. 
Sometimes that residual Ferric Ox just clings on for dear life and won't let up. 

Side note, are you using only citric acid baths as clearing with platine?  2 or 3 baths?  
My main procedure is the first bath is Citric Acid, 2nd and 3rd are HCA baths (Sodium sulfate and metabisulfate)
part of that train of thought being that the more alkaline HCA baths can help to bring the acid level of the paper/print more nuetral before throwing it in the wash. 
Just brainstorming of course. 


On Dec 17, 2008, at 7:41 PM, Paul Viapiano wrote:

Twas only a test strip but thought I'd ask...
I was using Platine with citric acid clearing baths...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: re-clearing pt/pd

Reprint the image Paul. 
Likely be worth it in the long run. 


On Dec 17, 2008, at 4:05 PM, Paul Viapiano wrote:

Hi all...
Been quiet around here lately...
Just wondering if you can re-clear a palladium print after it dries...in case you see some yellow after drydown?