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Re: What is Diffusion magazine? Anyone seen it?

Hi Loris,
Blue tells me the next issue will be a little more pages.
I'm on his side in this. I know how hard it is to find good, relevant content for the website.
I'm just happy he is doing something, then how much, when and where is less interesting to me! :-)
All the best to you.

2009/4/9 Loris Medici <mail@loris.medici.name>
I'm very glad to hear about such a publication.

On the other hand...... 40 pages per issue / one issue per year looks a
little bit frivolous, no?

No offense intended. But that's my very basic/first reaction -> I can be
incredibly wrong here...


9 Nisan 2009, Perşembe, 12:19 pm tarihinde, Alternative Photography yazmış:
> Hi Spike,
> Yes, it deserves a standing ovation, opening up a new magazine in this
> financial climate, and about a niche market like alt. proc. Very brave,
> and
> wonderful, indeed.
> I have seen a preview from Blue Mitchell, and it looks great. In our next
> newsletter we will be running one of their articles, which is a profile on
> Tina Maas and her work with Liquid Emulsion on wax. It will run after
> Easter, so if you want a "mini-preview" of the magazine, you can take a
> look
> in our next newsletter. I know you already subscribe, but for those of you
> who don't, sign up here:
> http://www.alternativephotography.com/newsletter.html
> All the best,
> Malin
> --
> Malin Fabbri
> Editor, AlternativePhotography.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Add our email AlternativePhotgraphy@gmail.com to your addressbook!
> Get the free alt. proc. newsletter:
> http://www.alternativephotography.com/newsletter.html
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2009/4/9 Spike MacGee <spikemacgee@gmail.com>
>> Hello all!
>> I just saw on alternative photography that there is a new publication
>> out.
>> It certainly looks professional. And - very strangely - it seems to be
>> about
>> historic processes too!
>> Here is what I found:
>> http://www.alternativephotography.com/books/diffusion_1.html
>> Has anyone ordered this? Is it good?
>> Ciao!
>> Spike

Malin Fabbri
Editor, AlternativePhotography.com
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