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Re: muddy gum print--help?

Charles, it seems that all gum printers have their own systems...but, it takes a bit of time and experimentation to work that system out. First of all, I second Paul's advice about Gamblin PVA, I use it exclusively, and am happy with the results that I get. In the print that you have identified as being "muddy," it does not appear to me to be a problem with sizing. Another layer of yellow and one of red would, I think, solve the problem. Maybe you would need a a bit of blue as a final layer for more "oomph" but I don't think so. I think that what I am suggesting is pretty much what Keith has already said. 


On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Charles Ryberg <cryberg@comcast.net> wrote:

  I've worked and worked on this and get nothing but mud.  Any help will be appreciated.  Charles,  Portland Oregon
