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Re: pyro and cyano

On Sat, 11 Apr 2009, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:

... I had created this encaustic photography collage on aluminum of my daughter and her little baby in the bathtub with bubbles abounding (I know this sounds like kittens in baskets
Now just a darn minute... you have a problem with kittens in baskets????

But in any event-- from your description, couldn't you scan that print, pull it into photoshop, clean it up, then print it again by inkjet? (But in any event #2, doesn't the moisture in a bathroom kill art of any kind unless it's sealed airtight?)


...but it's not that schmaltzy). It now looks like devil mom and devil baby because under the encaustic the photo paper has developed dark brown spots. The spots are all over their faces and eyes. I think it rivals Joel Peter Witkin.

So all that work for nothing...but I can't bear to throw it out. It is above our toilet so every time my husband takes a leak he has to look at it, but not me since I sit :)