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RE: Truth Beauty book

Chris and all,

What I cannot understand, though (forgive my opinion here), is that 
generation's fascination with the Michallet paper that had strong vertical 
lines.  You can tell it a mile away in a book.

Michallet paper:

If I recall Judy Segal mentioned this paper several eons ago on the list.

Perhaps this link will provide a visual for list members regarding this
papers use by Georges Seurat:


Specifically his use of crayon on paper. Select the tab titled "Subjects".
The most interesting to are the slide shows of his 'Café Concert'. You can
enlarge those images by clicking on them. Very soft and smudgy and as noted
on the MoMA website - 'cinematic'.

Details of the exhibit can be read here:


I wonder if that paper is 
still made and if people nowadays have used it and like it? Demachy and 
Kasebier both printed on it, and it also looks like it made its way to Japan

and Czechoslovakia as well, or maybe another brand of that same very lined 
paper. It, to me, just seems so out of touch with a soft focus type 
print...reminds me of a bad scan job one gets when one doesn't check the 
"descreening" option.

Based on my Google search this morning New York Central Art Supply or Talas
may carry a similar paper made by Arches:


Arches MBM.
