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Re: Tricolor Gum Question

Dear Katharine & Loris,
Thanks for looking into it.
Just a few remarks:
The watercolor used:

(I must admit i am terrible with mixing around ... )
Y :  Titanium  Yellow (Schmincke- Horad.) plus a bit of Cad Yellow deep (yes, Katharine , this makes the Yellow very strong )
M : Magenta (Old Holland)  plus Alizarim Crimson Hue (W&N Cotmann)
C : Lukas Cyan Primary & Cobalt blue

(as you see, on every travel passing by a shop selling paint i have to .... )

The humidty was more or less 70 percent with an exposure of 500 seconds (about 700 sec. with 50%)

Another word to Katharines remark concerning the Yellow; i have often a problem by a subsequent Yellow layer, it often seems to 'lay down' on the relevant parts of the print without 'mixing' , just on top and waiting to force down the drain :-)
Thanks for the respons.

ps in november i am showing this one among 20 other prints (oil, gum , tricolor gum) at the OpenShutter Gallery in Durango.

On 21 aug 2009, at 19:24, Katharine Thayer wrote:

Okay, looking at the prints again, I have another question: did you expose/develop the yellow and magenta the same in both prints?  Because what it looks to me, just looking at the prints, is that the problem with the first print isn't so much the magenta as that the yellow is out of balance, too strong.  It's always easier to balance the last color printed, since you've got the other colors there already, than when it's the first color and there's nothing else to go by.  I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know, as an accomplished tricolor gum printer, but just a thought; it looks to me that maybe you misjudged the yellow on the first print, when it was the only color there, and maybe didn't develop it quite long enough,  and got it right on the second when it was last and therefore easier to judge.  I could be completely wrong about this, and if you know that you exposed and developed them both (both yellows) exactly the same, then I will definitely be wrong; let me know.

On Aug 21, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Katharine Thayer wrote:

Henk, this is interesting, though puzzling to me.  Yes, I've printed in different orders and the order of printing hasn't made any difference in the print itself, as long as I've used transparent pigments for each of the colors, so I can't explain this.  (And the effect of opaque pigments manifests, IME, as a graininess, coarseness or cloudiness in the image rather than a difference in the color balance per se, so I don't think opacity v transparency is an issue here).   Thanks for sharing, I'll have to think about this.  What are your pigments?

Nice print, by the way.

On Aug 21, 2009, at 8:09 AM, henk thijs wrote:

Dear List,
I made two tri-color gum prints from the same negs, with the same pigments and  the same paper, just a different order:
Normally i start with Yellow, Magenta and Cyan, and just repeat the process if i feel to do so.
When making this print, the Magenta didn't work for me, so i started with Magenta, followed by Cyan and Yellow.
I was astonished with the big difference.
The Y,M,C :

The M,C,Y :

Even several extra Magenta layers did not changed the result comparable to the M,C,Y one.
Just curious if the list had some experience in changing just the order of working.

Hope list is still alive ,



