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Re: Italy

It's actually a semester's worth of classes abroad for the undergraduate photo majors, so it'd be 15 credits in Italy.

But the Villa apparently has lots of rooms so I have heard, tho I have not been there. I was thinking of checking it out over the Christmas Break, if finances allow (NOT).

As far as curriculum, I am working on that right now. It wouldn't be all alt, but a combo alt, experimental, digital, lighting, etc....

What it boils down to is whether I am able to really commit to the time involve writing a curriculum and if there are enough students wanting to go, as there is a minimum number needed. But I thought, how COOL to connect with all things alt in Italy while there!!

Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Susan Huber" <shuber1@telus.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: Italy

Hi Christina,

What kind of class would you have?

All alt. processes?


BTW- Harlan said your class was terrific at the Formulary.


On 2009-09-26, at 10:20 AM, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:

Wouldn't that be a hoot?? If you came? MSU is having budget cuts so no room for other pay (hubby would be my unpaid assistant :)), but heck, if you wanted a nice place to stay in Italy the villa has lots of rooms...and I don't think it is too expensive to stay there.

I'd just love to do an intensive alt week there...


Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "BOB KISS" <bobkiss@caribsurf.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: Italy

PS: Need anyone to accompany you as helper? I speak Italian acceptably and
have been to most major towns in Tuscany.

  • References:
    • Italy
      • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
    • RE: Italy
      • From: BOB KISS <bobkiss@caribsurf.com>
    • Re: Italy
      • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
    • Re: Italy
      • From: Susan Huber <shuber1@telus.net>