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Re: Ambidextrous print coating

Left-handed coating was a success yesterday! The gum layers were all
coated with my left hand. Still haven't tried palladium coating with
the off-hand yet, though.



Both are 6.75" x 12" gum over palladium prints (the palladium was
coated before I hurt myself).


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Jeremy Moore <jeremydmoore@gmail.com> wrote:
> loris the glass rod does seem to be an interesting idea as that's a
> technique I've never tried before. i was just curious if others had
> any advice i could mull over while enjoying cabin fever. i have to
> wait until my sutures are out so i can mix up chemicals from powder,
> but i am getting faster typing with my left hand =)
>>> OTOH, if you can't manage to do it evenly with the reverse hand /
>>> brushes and don't mind the different look you'll get, then you can try
>>> coating by using glass rods / puddle pushers. I imagine it can be much
>>> easier than using a brush...
>>> I wish you a quick and full recovery BTW.
>>> Regards,
>>> Loris.