U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: speaking of printers...

RE: speaking of printers...

The issues or problems of printing through Apple ColorSync have been known
for a while or alluded to on various internet forums. I'm not a Mac user so
I've not paid much attention to those issues. Some  CM "experts" such as
Andrew Rodney and Jeff Shewe have in the past made comments about ColorSync
issues. I should be careful about what I write since I don't have all the
facts and I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, but it has been a
mystery to me why there have been all of these printing problems with Macs,
especially after being told for years that using Apple Macintosh computers
was the best computing platform for digital imaging. 

I will mention that I have Eric Chan make all of my printer profiles,
they've been excellent. For $20 a pop they are a bargain! In my book if Eric
makes a statement about CM one can count on it being correct. 

Microsoft doesn't get off unscathed either; they seem to have made a mess of
CM with Windows 7. Win 7 users may wish to read this article found at this


-----Original Message-----
From: EJ Photo [mailto:ejnphoto@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 12:12 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: speaking of printers...

Paul, This topic is being discussed on the Epson Wide Format group (yahoo)
right now. The page that Jeremy posted is linked there as well. I do not for
the life of me, understand the need for users to beg forgiveness for being a
PC user. I for one have had very few printer issues at upgrade time. And
like you, have seen the poor Mac folks, struggling with printer driver
issues every bloody time a new Apple OS is released. The combination of
Adobe, Apple and Epson ( although other are in that boat too) have made the
relatively simple idea of color management a nightmare for many. Most of the
support issues I deal with are Mac related due to poor understanding of how
things work.   

My fear is that the work around posted on Luminous Landscape will become
know as a fix, rather than the work around it is and more confusion will be
started as to how to print with, use the CM to profile, print and work with
your images.  


Eric Neilsen
Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
skype me with ejprinter
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Viapiano [mailto:viapiano@pacbell.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 10:57 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: speaking of printers...

Interesting read, Jeremy...

This is yet another reason why I moved from the Mac several years ago. 
Issues like this are rampant at OS upgrade time and many others (for me) too

numerous to mention, and it can be extremely hard to "get under the hood" 
when dealing with a Mac issue. These types of problems started rearing their

heads around the time OS X came to be.

No computer platform is free of bugginess, but the direction tha Mac took 
(for me) caused me to abandon it. Apple is number one in design, cool factor

and certain innovations but deficient in true usability, customization, 
support and coming clean on their boo-boos.

No need to start an evangelical computer flame war on the list, but now that

that's off my chest I can go and print gum for the rest of the day in a calm

relaxed Zen state of mind...

